Thread: Update on Kavy.
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Old 03-27-2011, 12:19 AM   #1
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Update on Kavy.

Hi, Everyone, I'm at the hospital right now since last Thursday, with no idea when I will get out. I have pneumonia and the upper left lung colapsed by the tumors. I was sent to the ICU on the first day, and my heart beat was 175. I was feeling in so much pain in my left lung, and I also had a fever.
The pain is gone now, but I still have a bad cough. My white blood cells that were 30 when I got here, are still high 20, when the normal should be 4 to 10. I also developed diabetes, and having been taking 2 kinds of insuline, but it is still up. I'm very worried because I was supposed to have Herceptin this week, but I couldn't go because of the pain. Here at the hospital they cancelled the Tykerb, I don't know why. I do not know if my lung tumors are larger, because they made a scan that it is different from the one I usually do, and my scan is also scheduled for March 29. So I feel without protection from Herceptin and Tykerb. According to the nurse in the ICU I had 5 of the symptoms of sepsis (sp?), but I feel better now. I'm very worried about the fact that the infection is taking so long to respond to the antibiotic treatment, and I am taking 2 of the strongest kin of antibiotic, according to the doctors. Anybody with similar experience? First day I got to the hospital the doctor was talking to my husband and he was staring at him trying to tell him there was not much he could do, I'm very good in reading people's expressions and their intentions. I hope and pray I can prove him wrong. Again I ask you for your prayers, good thoughts and good vibes. Thank you. I'm praying for all of you too.
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