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Old 08-23-2010, 04:27 PM   #22
Debbie L.
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Re: Any other Power Port patients here?

Just a thought, after reading how frustrating it is for many of you to find people who can access your port. I don't know how hard it is to access, but it must be easier than finding a vein so it can't be THAT complicated, right? Something that might be a bit tricky the first few times but with practice one would build skill and confidence.

So - why not learn to access it yourself? Then you'll be sure of the cleanliness of the technique and won't have to argue with people. You would need to keep the special access needles with you, but I'd guess those are available at the onc's office? Perhaps a little mirror, too, but it seems like it's done a lot by feel?

Our insurance during my treatment only covered care in the big city to the south, a drive of over an hour. Even though we have a local hospital, I'd have had to pay to get my chemo labs done there. So I was driving all that way just to get blood drawn. One day, the (wonderful) chemo nurse said: "you know, I don't need YOU, I just need your BLOOD, don't you know enough people coming down that you could draw your own tubes and just have them drop them off?". People from my husband's work went there daily so that's what I did. I'm a nurse so drawing it wasn't a big deal although it was a little tricky doing it left handed (couldn't use left arm for draw d/t lymphedema).

Let us know if anyone thinks accessing your own port is a do-able solution. You'd be the talk of the office!

Debbie Laxague
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