Thread: Mass in liver
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Old 07-21-2010, 09:28 AM   #10
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Re: Mass in liver

Currently going through a similar experience with my wife who was just dx with bc. Already have had 2 MRIs for liver, with different contrasts to review under nuclear imaging. I'm not sure the extent of your bc diagnosis, or your personal background, but from my crash course in liver masses, it could be at least one of the following (or of course mets)...

1. FNH - focal node hyperplasia (BENIGN)
2. HA - hepatic adenoma (a rare BENIGN mass) except it can bleed, rupture or turn into HCC. Mostly seen in women with long history of oral contraception (this is what they are thinking for my 32 year old wife who is stage 1a, node negative, grade 3, HER2+++)
3. HCC- hepatic carcinoma... the bad stuff
4. mets - ??? (don't even want to go there)

Bottom line, it's been SCARY not knowing, but I've learned that MANY people have masses on their liver and other organs and much of the time they are benign. Imaging has just gotten so much better they are being found more and more.

Your pain obviously means it isn't likely very small, but those HA's can cause pain too... I've read.

Hoping for the best for you.
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