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Old 06-19-2010, 10:04 AM   #17
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Re: now they are moving in on how/why of weight gain during chemotherapy 4 breast can

Rich-I've never asked for specific details, but I'm always reminded by the scan schedulers to d/c the metformin the day (~36hrs) before scans and then not re-start until 48hours after. Apparently the metformin is really hard on the liver and kidneys, as is the contrast, so in combo it's probably just a little too much.
AA-I was evaluated by an endocrinologist 7 years ago, after the 1st year of my was after the 1st year that I was having the problems with fatigue, blood sugar swings and weight gain (18 pounds in 6 weeks). A glucose challenge confirmed I was insulin resistant, I started the metformin and all the symptoms resolved. since then, my weight normalized, my blood sugar levels stabilized and everything has been fine. I have not been re-evaluated by an endocrinologist since, but as I mentioned my onc knows I'm on metformin and has approved my continued use.
In the past 4 months, since starting Ixempra, my weight has dropped significantly because my appetite & energy are so compromised. Ixempra's really tough stuff - I'm on my 5th cycle, and thank God it's working because my quality of life on this drug is really limited. I'm not able to work anymore and am so thankful my Mom's here to help me.
Ask your endo to do a glucose challenge test- it's pretty simple - you have to fast, then at different time points over a few hours you drink a high glucose drink and they take blood samples to see how long it takes your body to absorb it.
Wishing you best of luck sorting all this out.
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