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Old 06-13-2010, 04:12 PM   #13
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Re: now they are moving in on how/why of weight gain during chemotherapy 4 breast can

Rapid weight gain, chronic fatigue & crazy cravings for any/all sweets, crazy blood sugar swings/crashes are among the reason I finally saw an endocrinologist - assuming I was hypothryoid after a year of Taxol/Herceptin.
Instead, they did a Glucose Challenge & I was diagnosed with INSULIN RESISTANCE - Not diabetic. Not pre-diabetic - Insulin resistance as a result of exposure to chronic doses of pre-med steroids. The doc said that now that we're seeing more long term survivors, having been exposed to larger, longer doses of therapies, this is one secondary issues that they're discovering.
The endocrinologist put me on Glucophage/metformin at that time, explaining that most rn's/docs, etc. won't understand that I'm not diabetic & I will likely have to go through an explanation each time I have a procedure or meet new docs.
He was right - this past week of Novalis and the Chemo embo I had to explain to everyone why I take the Glucophage, and no, you don't need to check my blood sugar.Actually, I ususally give them the explanation, but let them take my blood sugar anyway because they look so confused.
It's been an pretty interesting ride.
I've never been re-evaluated by an endocrinologist, instead I choose to stay on the glucophage because of the studies showing the benefits with MBC. My oncs don't argue with me about it. In fact, they support my continuing on it.
Ironically, it is because I have been on Glugophage that I was disqualified from screening for a TDM1 trial last April. Can't win for losing, it seems.
Just one thing to remember, whenever having CT's, I have to d/c using it for 36hrs before, then can't resume until 48hours after.
Anyone else out there already on Metoformin?

Last edited by jml; 06-13-2010 at 04:13 PM.. Reason: typos
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