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Old 04-23-2010, 07:59 AM   #11
Karen Wheel
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Location: Sardegna, Italy
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Re: Attacking cancer by starving it

Thank god they are starting to research in the right direction!

Okay - we all know that cancer loves sugar!? Why don't you just give it up!? I did and its not that tough.... (yes it sucks as I miss the yummy sweets and the double tall cappuccinos --- oh, and its hard to eat out but you can always find a salad and some olive oil!) also, gave up all things that change to sugar quickly (like breads, pastas or rice --- all white!) but I still eat a small amount of whole grains .... Lots of vegetables --- try to eat 70-80% raw.

All these things combine with the suggestions of supplements (thank you Rich!) like Vit D.

But, honestly - we have to starve the bastard (sorry ladies but cancer is one) out! Drinking coffee, and eating foods that turn to acid (most all animal products breads etc, and sugar!) are all like throwing gas on a forest fire... with cancer we are what we eat!

Few of my favorite sites with loads of information:

Favorite Books:

The Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook (this is the updated version) by David Frahm
Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor – by Kris Carr
Beating Cancer with Nutrition – by Patrick Quillin PhD, RD, CNS
Eat to Live – by Joel Fuhrman, MD
The Gerson Therapy – The amazing nutritional program for cancer and other illnesses – by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker, DPM
A Cancer Therapy – Results of Fifty Cases – by Max Gerson, MD

Live long and strong –
Karen Wheelhouse Age: 46
Facebook id: Karen Wheel
2-09 – Age 44 -Biopsy-Cancer
3-09 – Right Quadrantectomy. Clear margins.
3 lymph nodes taken - all clear
Tumor results: Stage 1, 1.5 cm, Her2 +++
Est positive 80% - Prog 10% - Ki67 postive 30%
4-09 – Became a vegan! pH balance of body - cancer can't grow in neutral pH!
4-09 Started Herceptin & Chemo (9 weeks of Navelbine *)
* FYI - when coupled with Herceptin has the same results as more toxic chemo. No brainer!
8-09 - 30 RADS
9-09 - Said NO to hormone therapy
4-10 Finished Herceptin!!!!

7-10 PET Scan & other exams .... All clear! YIPPEE!!!!
11-10 Breast, organ Ultrasounds and lung x-rays all clear no changes ... NED!

2-25-2011 --- 2 years from surgery and NED!!!!!!
7-2011 Clear bone scan and full body and head MRI! NED! NED! NED! ;-)[/SIZE]
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