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Old 02-05-2010, 04:31 PM   #13
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Re: Any other Power Port patients here?

curryalso, That is a very good point and one should be taken very seriously. One thing I've learned is just because they say they know how to use your port doesn't make it true! All any of us need is a good infection or a port that is damaged because the person did not know how to properly use it and flush it correctly.

I know a while ago after having my "Power Port' installed I went for a PET/CT. I told the tech I wanted my port accessed for the contrast. Same old thing...excuses as to why he can't do it. Then he went so far as to actually just tell me he "won't" get as good a picture on the PET/CT if he uses my power port. That using my arm gives them a much better image of what's going on. (Give me a break...that was the worse excuse I've heard so far.)

I then told him to call upstairs where my chemo room is and ask for my chemo nurse to come down...or anyone of the nurse up there! He then tells me they are NOT allowed to come down there for any reason. He ended up using my ARM...but later when I saw my chemo nurse I told her what happened...and she said she will gladly come down any time to access my port. I told her he said they weren't allowed too come down there. She said that is not true, and it would be no problem at all.

So's really no more then these people are NOT trained in how to use them so they make up a bunch of stories as to why they don't want to access it. (I'd feel better if they just gave me the truth and tell me they don't know how!) If need be I will start calling my "Portacath Lab" ahead of time and ask for the manager. I'll have her make sure the person that shows up at my scans is highly trained.
DX: 12-20-05 - Stage IIIA, Her2/Neu, 3+++,Er & Pr weakly positive, 5 of 16 pos nodes.
Rt. MRM on 1-3-06 -- No Rads due to compromised lungs.
Chemo started 2-7-06 -- TCH - - Finished 6-12-06
Finished yr of wkly herceptin 3-19-07
3-15-07 Lt side prophylactic simple mastectomy. -- Ooph 4-05-07
9-21-09 PET/CT "Recurrence" to Rt. axllia, Rt. femur, ilium. Possible Sacrum & liver? Now stage IV.
9-28-09 Loading dose of Herceptin & started Zometa
9-29-09 Power Port Placement
10-24-09 Mass 6.4 x 4.7 cm on Rt. femur head.
11-19-09 RT. Femur surgery - Rod placed
12-7-09 Navelbine added to Herceptin/Zometa.
3-23-10 Ten days of rads to RT femur. Completed.
4-05-10 Quit Navelbine--Herceptin/Zometa alone.
5-4-10 Appt. with Dr. Slamon to see what is next? Waiting on FISH results from femur biopsy.
Results to FISH was unsuccessful--this happens less then 2% of the time.
7-7-10 Recurrence to RT axilla again. Back to UCLA for options.
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