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Old 11-30-2009, 08:31 AM   #11
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Re: Striking a Major Nerve

We all are entitled to voice our individual opinions, that's what makes this country so wonderful. It's not a matter of who's right or wrong. It's about voicing our feelings and fears when it comes to our future the future survival of our children.

Many of us are letting fear take over I am included in this. I along with many have never ever been so worried about the future of our economy and the future of our healthcare system. This country has never been so divided on what the actual solution is and continues to be in a crisis state with inflation running rampit and the cost of health care skyrocketing and with no improvement in site. These new proposed mammogram guidelines have hit home for all of us along the new proposed pap smear guidelines.

Being self employed in the construction and real estate industries and having to pay for my family's health insurance, I have felt the direct hit of the effects of everything that is going on. With work coming to a halt just about over night and the prospects for seeking out employment so far have not worked out. To add insult to injury, I was just notified by my insurance carrier that eff. Jan 10' my premiums will increase by approx another $125 per month. When I contacted my insurance agent and asked what options I have, I was told "none" since having had cancer, no insurance company will touch me with my pre-existing condition and that this rate increase is a direct result of the politics that are going on.

I have also heard from many others who get health insurance through their employer that their contribution rates have actually doubled. I don't believe socialized medicine is the answer but this country most definitely needs healthcare reform desperately and not what the present administration is proposing.

I have family living all over the world (my mom is from Europe and comes from a family of 18!) including Europe(France, England, Austria, Poland, Russia, Czek Republic just to name a few) to relatives living in Canada and they all have their positive and negative stories about socialized medicine but most agree that medical care in the United States is far superior to their care. However, they all were shocked at the high price we pay for such care.

I don't believe in government handouts, I have always believed that hard work will pay off. When will this chaos end or is this just the beginning of what is to come?????
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