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Old 11-01-2009, 01:52 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 12
Re: Found out too late?

Thank you Becky for the reply.

I should tell you that one reason my dr. thought no chemo was because I am so super sensitive to almost all meds, everything from pain relievers to antibiotics that he said the chemo would do me more harm than good.

We are all amazed that I could do 5 years of Arimidex. It was really rough.

I will talk to my dr. at my next appointment which is not until March ----- I have no idea if I can have the tissue checked. It will depend, according to my research, whether it was preserved in wax or frozen..... and some labs only keep it 5 years and I'm past that!

I don't know what your beliefs are but will tell you how I decided to go with what this dr. said.
After much prayer and asking for wisdom for the dr. to tell me the right thing to do ---- and talking to others that had him for their BC..... when he told me what he thought - I just went with it.

I was very naive and didn't know much about BC. Like most of you, I've learned more than I ever wanted to know!
Thanks again,
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