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Old 10-14-2009, 03:54 PM   #9
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Location: Central,New Jersey
Posts: 48
Re: Who else has a Power Port?

Hi Chelee; I had a power port (Bard) up until yesterday. I was "deported". Mine was on my left but placed very differently from where yours is located. Mine was sort of close to my armpit, about where your bra strap would sit. And, not close to my collar bone at all. I will tell you that I never felt it, never had any discomfort from it - even when it was first placed. But, I know women who have had discomfort from their port the entire time they had it. It was explained to me, basically, everyone is different. Where have we heard this before??? The port was the best thing I could do for myself. Unfortunately, for some tests at our hospital, like contrast scans - my port was not used. I didn't insist which maybe I should have. However, the port served its purpose in my case. Now, without the port, I will have a bit of a tough time because I don't have the best veins. One thing to mention...use emla an hour before you have it accessed. You won't feel anything, including the pressure (maybe just a little). I also use emla on my hand before I have blood drawn and it's so less painful.
There is nothing whatsoever wrong with a port on the left side.
I wish you little discomfort and hoping all goes well for you - best wishes, robind
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