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Old 07-29-2009, 05:37 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 12
Re: Complete response


I also had cpr after neo-adjuvant chemo. It is a term used when you have chemo before surgery and then when they do remove and examine the tissue where cancer was initially, if they find no trace of cancer cells they can talk about complete pathological response.

It states that no cancer cells were found in the tissues removed, (which would be the original cancer site). It is more accurate than any diagnostic tool, as scans etc, will not pick up very small clusters of cancer cells, while the pathology tests do. Of course it doesn't offer any guarantees for the future, but it tells you that chemo has worked perfectly well in your case, while with adjuvant chemo you will never know (of course I'm talking about primary bc here).

Read this research (one of the authors is one of my oncologists!) for more info

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