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Old 06-30-2009, 11:03 PM   #22
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Abby, you can choose to not read a thread started by Andi, this is an open forum. Also, like any family, we all bring different things to the table, it's okay to pass.

Kind Regards,
I was warned by others if I vocally dissented I would be pushed off the forum. I passed along this website to many women in the beginning and then at times was embarrassed I had. And there was a big reason I did not pass it along to my oncologist, lest she'd think I had become one of the lemmings.

I've gotten kind emails of support, emails of agreement from those who don't want to be "outed" on the board, and then some who actually wrote and had the nerve to say I was only jealous of Andi's health and success. That's disgusting.

So, I'll take this as a "don't let the door hit you on your way out."

I don't have to choose to stay and be force fed saccharin at every turn, or be told if we spell it canser, it will help me win, I don't need to have Ram Das, Bill Moyers, positive thinking, and mind/body, burped all over me. And when someone new comes on here to ask for help or advice, I am sure I am not the only one that would like to see one honest reply, rather than 15 dismissive, "I'll pray for you's."

I've been a book editor for many years. If Andi wants to write, great, then people that like that sort of thing will buy it. In today's publishing market, she'll likely have to self-publish, what they term "vanity press" because she'll have a hard time finding a legit publisher. The main prerequisite for writing is to be aware of who your audience is.

I came here thinking this forum was a supportive board. Not a prayer room (although I am a Christian). Not a place for a sell-proclaimed writer to try their new material. Or someone to sell vitamins via their book.

I thought this was a home -- a soft place to land -- a place to be honest-- a place to ask questions-- a place to share information.

Watching the two-hour documentary Farrah's Story gave me an honorable example of grace and dignity and support to last a lifetime, and I will hold my head high in health. Some of the drivel espoused here as wisdom only damages the credibilty and respectiblty I fight so hard for.

Thank you, Joe and Christina -- you had good intentions.
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