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Old 06-22-2009, 04:10 AM   #13
Pam P
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Joan -
It's confusing to me too. Like Colleen, once I'm approved for LTD through my employers disability benefits program, as long as I continue to qualify these benefits would run until I reach the age of full retirement.

And, yes, once I am approved for LDT (after the 1st 2 months of short term medical leave) if my doctor says I am able to work at some restricted level, I will be able to earn a certain amount each month without it effecting my disability coverage.

That's according to my company's policy. I'm sure each company's policy is different in it's rules; and SSDI is different still in it's procedures and restriction amounts. It makes it hard to sort through all of the scenarios and possibilities.

With your possible lay off situation it sounds like now is the time for you to really research what your options might be through your company's disability benefits. If you decide to go that road, having to find another job, but only on a part time level to supplement disability income maybe wouldn't seem as stressful as a full time position. I agree that seeking a new full time position with advanced cancer would be tricky. You are right, no need to disclose your cancer history, but we know going in what the time away from work for medical treatments, scans, and being ill from side effects amounts to on a regular basis.

Let me know what you find out as you research.

Thank you to everyone for your helpful insights and own experiences and knowledge.
6/01 IBC er+ her2+stage IIIb; mastecomy
7/01 AC, taxol; radiation
2/02 tamoxifen
9/02 stage IV bone mets femara
1/03 taxotere/herceptin/aredia
6/03 herceptin, aredia & faslodex
1/04 navelbine, herceptin, aredia
2/05 herceptin/aredia
7/05 xeloda/herceptin/aredia
3/07 xeloda/tykerb/aredia
5/08 taxol/avastin/aredia
2/09 gemzar/herceptin/zometa
7/09 Taxol/Carbo/Herceptin, zometa
10/09 navelbine/herceptin & zometa
2/10 herceptin & tykerb & zometa
4/10 add xeloda &aromasin
10/10 dx with dermatomyiositis triggered by cancer
11/10 restart herceptin, tykerb, zometa
12/10 surgery-place rod in R femur to stabilize bone
1/11 radiation to R femur - 20 tx
2/11 2nd surgery - rod in Left femur
2/11 tx eribulen -- suspended dx brain mets
3/11 brain mets wbr 20 tx
4/11 halaven; discontine 8/11 not working
8/11 radiation to left femur 20 tx'
8-9/11 rad to lower spine
9/11 abraxane/herceptin/zometa
9/12 xeloda/herceptin/zometa
12/12 ablation of liver
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