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Old 05-08-2009, 01:00 PM   #4
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Maryland
Posts: 30
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Patients

Thank you for the additional information from the NIH site. Very helpful, indeed. My liver surgeon told me that the changes in my liver are due to the neoadjuvant chemo (NC), and that this is a finding that is increasing as more patients receive NC. My BMI is too low, and I do not have other risk factors for steatosis. Originally, I had mets to my liver, so I a bit anxious when any change is noted.

Thank you again,


Diagnosed 08/2004 @ 45; Metaplastic Breast Cancer (MpBC)
Stage IV, HER2 3+, ER-/PR-, Met to Liver

08/2004 - Neo-adjuvant Taxotere/Carboplatin/Herceptin (TCH) - 4 rounds.
09/2004 -
Herceptin - Weekly.
11/2004 - Liver RFA, followed w/TCH - 2 rounds.
12/2004 - Lumpectomy, axillary node dissection, followed w/TCH - 2 rounds.
05/2005 - Radiation - Breast, shoulder, neck (left side) - 35X
09/2005 - Developed severe osteoporosis - Boniva - monthly
04/2008 - Herceptin - Every 3 weeks (changed from weekly).
05/2012 - Mets: 3 new liver and 2 lymph nodes.
06/2012 - Start 16 rounds Navelbine and Herceptin weekly.
11/2012 - Liver resection, RFAs (8), lymphadenectomy (2), cholecystectomy.
12/2012 - Herceptin and Letrozole.
05/2014 - Mets: 5 aortocaval nodes & 1 mesenteric.
06/2014 - Herceptin/Perjeta/Taxotere - 6 rounds.
10/2014 - Herceptin / Perjeta - Open ended
04/2015 - Progression: Porta hepatic node, 2 aortocaval nodes.
05/2015 - Exploratory surgery treating progression, 12 nodes removed.
07/2015 - Restart Herceptin / Perjeta
01/2016 - Progression 8 nodes.
02/2016 - Starting T-DM1 (Kadcyla) - Open ended.
07/2017 - Progression.
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