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Old 03-20-2009, 11:46 AM   #4
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H. Pylori and Scans


After my BC diagnosis, I ended up with many abdominal pains. At first I thought it was just stress related and only in my head. My husband even commented to me that I can't just run to the doctor for every ache and pain. Well, I didn't listen to him and went to see a G.I. doctor who put me on Protonix( or something like that) and it didn't help much. Shortly after, I had an upper endoscopy and had the H.,Pylori bacteria and Gastritis. Treated it for a couple of weeks with the Prev Pak. Had a stool sample done (sorry for getting descriptive) which came back negative. A few weeks afterwards, my abdominal pains seemed worse. My GI doctor decided to do another upper endoscopy and a colonscopy. Well I had the H.Phylori and gastrisis for a 2nd time along with some acid reflux. Treated it again a some other heavy duty anti biotics and Protonix. Had a breath test done this time which came back negative. I'm feeling better but the abdominal pain is still not totally gone. I did end up with a ct scan of the chest, ab, and pelvis which did come back normal.

I thought that I would share my story and that despite the persistent dull abdominal pain, everything has come back normal.

Hang in there and let us know how things are going.

Wishing you the very best and of course sending prayers and positive energy your way.,
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