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Old 03-12-2009, 09:43 AM   #10
Ellie F
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 1,526
Hi ,
I am also outraged that NICE will not approve Tyverb and the pathetic response of the breast cancer charities.
What I have done so far is to contact NICE and lodge a protest against the decision, contacted two MP's and requested they raise this issue with the Minister and thirdly have contacted my trade union branch (Amicus) and put forward a resolution. Not been able to do more as recovering from surgery. A couple of problems are becoming apparent already. Firstly having raised Tyverb with two onc's their response was that they would be reluctant to prescribe as there was not enough 'mature ' data! Of course their prescribing will be governed by NICE so would be out of the question anyway.Secondly the position of the MP's, whilst sympathetic argued that NICE was an independent body appointed by gov so it would be difficult to go against their findings! Personally I believe it is all to do with money particularly now we are officially in recession.
Does anyone know GSK's position about appealing?
Due to see new onc very soon. Been contemplating what action I will take if he tells me that Tyverb could be a drug clinically indicated for me. I believe any court action may not be possible based on prohibitive costs. Any views?
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