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Old 03-05-2009, 03:09 PM   #102
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Wink Devastated - told weeks !!!

I'm so happy the oncologist is going to prescribe chemo.
I know you are probably overwhelmed with advice from us, but I would like to add something about the bone marrow if I may.
I never had a problem with my bone marrow, red blood counts and white blood counts during my treatment. I took supplements and ate alot of things that are good for the bone marrow and blood counts. Other patients have also shared information with me about bone marrow soup.I will pass some of it along to you. I am not sure Caryn can tolerate it all or if you have time to prepare it but here goes-----
Bone Marrow: Bone marrow soup. Cook marrow from meat, add healthy herbs (some of them have been described and shared by others) garlic, onions and make a soup.
White blood count: fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, echinecea and astragalus
Red blood count: liquid iron, beans, spinach, real blackstrap molasses, B 12, chlorophyll tablets
I guess there are always shots from the oncologist if these things don't help. Miracles also happen.
Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
12 years and counting
Lucky 13 !! I hope so !!!!!!
14 Year Survivor
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." author unknown
Shared by a multiple myeloma survivor.
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