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Old 03-02-2009, 06:23 PM   #24
Debbie L.
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mice vs. people

Hi Laurel, Terri, and all,

Thanks for the links. I'd found some of those earlier. But it's all in cell lines (petrie dishes) or in mice. If we had a nickel for every idea that looked promising there yet turned out to be useless or even harmful, in humans ...

I'm not saying this isn't going to be something good. Nor that it isn't going to be something bad. I think that until studies are done on humans (with survival/recurrence data), we do not know.

It makes me nervous to mix hormonal treatments. Look at ATAC. Logic and cell behavior said that combining an AI and Tamoxifen would be good. 'Turned out it was no better and probably a bit worse than one or the other alone. Just because it makes good sense or works in mice does not guarantee success (or even lack of harm) in humans.

So Laurel, can you explain in more detail what the study you're participating in is looking at? Thanks in advance.

Debbie Laxague
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