Thread: Low MUGA score
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Old 08-01-2008, 06:47 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 154
Thank you for all of the replies! I had the MUGA scan 1 week after my 7th Herceptin infusion. I've been getting 600mg every 3 weeks. The treatments were given to me over a 30 minute period, so maybe that has had an effect. I'm glad to hear that they can make a mistake on the test, so thats what I'm hoping for. I'm a bit angry right now because the onc never sent me for a baseline test. The nurse that called me today expressed that was a big mistake because now we don't know if I already had a heart problem, or was this caused by Herceptin.

I'm somewhat overweight, but I never thought I was in that bad of shape because I work 10 to 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, and I'm on a dead run, hardly getting to set down. I have also went close to 18 years without a vacation, except for the week I took off after the mastectomy, and 2 weeks after the lymph node surgery. I never really got that tired before, but for the last couple of weeks I've been getting very tired and sometimes out of breath when just taking a short walk. I guess now I know why.......
Diagnosis and Treatment: DX 12/07/07
Male Diagnosed with DCIS at age 39
Mastectomy on right breast
Tumor Stage pt1b NO MO
DCIS Tumor size 1.5 x 1.x .6cm
Infiltration tumor size .25X.17 cm
Bloom-Richardson Grade 3(score 8)
Nuclear Grade 3 with comedo necrosis
Estrogen+/Progestrone+/HER-2/Neu +++
FISH ratio 4.31
Lymph node removal scheduled 1/07/08
17 nodes tested and all negative 1/08/08
Started Tamoxifin 1/29/08
Oncotype DX score 52 (off the charts, according to my onc!!!)
Starting TCH 3/14/08
BRCA I Positive BRCA II Negative
Finished TC 6/27/08 continue Herceptin
8/1/08 Herceptin stopped due to low Muga score
Mastectomy on left breast 11/10/08
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