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Old 05-06-2008, 09:17 PM   #10
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Becky, that's one strength this site has- we are all family, and feel free to voice our own opinions, and hopefully, we all seriously consider other's opinions, carefully. Your comments made me realize that in my post, I used the word "I" alot, and right now, we are all grieving for Kate, Michelle, and Carol, thinking of ourselves, and that's perfectly fine. When you mentioned newcomers, that struck a chord. Those we have lost were all self-less, and Nicola was too, she transformed me into a better man. Perhaps we should think more of the new people coming to the site, instead of our own mourning. I don't see how we can do both at once. A good positive attitude is so important to the fight and beating this disease. If a permanent "room" is devoted to lost Sisters and Brothers, and failed chemos. like Becky said, it may harm others, and do more harm than good. I know I've done a 180 on the issue, and disagreeing with my Angel, Nicola, but we disagreed now and then, and discussed and debated often, but never went to bed mad, haha. Love ya!
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