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Old 02-26-2008, 09:48 AM   #21
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Thank you for your words and encouragement. I have been feeling down about waiting a month and a half for my tumors to shrink. It has been hard for me to deal with having BC because prior to this I was rarely sick or went to the doctor.

I try to keep my attitude positive; but two weeks ago when the oncologists told me the AC chemo was not working, I felt like I had hit a brick wall. After the Taxol treatment, I did feel better because I felt something had been done to stop my cancer.

I have to go Thursday and take my Herceptin; and I really wish, the oncologist would let me take another Taxol treatment. I know I need to keep my psyche focused on my mind helping to fight the cancer. I am not going to lie there are times that I feel very vulnerable to what is taking place in my body.

Reading the messages and talking to all the ladies who have faced what I am now facing helps me each and every day.

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