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Old 01-14-2008, 05:50 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Posts: 144
I was smack on 40 when I experienced unilateral bleeding from my left nipple which prompted a mirco-dutectomy to remove the bleeding duct - six months later I was dx'd with a largish tumour and 6 nodes. I know you wanted under 40's - I actually believe the bleeding was prompted by vascular invasion by the tumour, which was not properly diagnosed at the time of the nipple bleed (because everyone was looking for dcis in the duct), and that the tumour had been growing for some time but not detected because the density of my breasts tricked the US and mammogram. Comparison of old mammograms shows an "apical mass" that showed on later mammogram and which turned out to be cancer, but wasn't picked up when the film was first reviewed.

So...I am counting myself in to having cancer well under 40 but not being diagnosed till after 40!

Had my daughter in Jan 2002, at aged 37.

I sometimes wonder about the number of women with her2+ cancer and smallish children - sometimes I wonder whether perhaps the growth factors that are generated in pregnancy and post-natally (eg to support breastfeeding) could play a role? This is such a hard thing to wonder about.

(Even if that were/is a contributing factor, I would not return my daughter for anything in the world).

  • Diagnosed 3 Jan 2007, Stage IIb, Mastectomy and axillary clearance 10 Jan 07, 6 of 19 nodes affected, multi-focal cancer, HER2 positive. Second mastectomy (prophylactic). Chemo - AC 3 months, Taxol 3 months - then radiation 5 weeks.
  • Aug 2011 - Diagnosed with Stage IV mets to lung, sternum and 12 or so thoracic nodes - Rads to Sternum, then weekly abraxane and herceptin for 12 weeks.
  • May 2012- good scans - all nodes still about normal size, hole in sternum repairing, lung tumour 'obliterated'.
    Ongoing herceptin every 3 weeks. Bloods still all good! Life good!
  • March 2013 - recurrence - tumours in lungs and mediastinum (coughing up blood) - immediate radiation treatment to right lung and mediastinum, still on Herceptin, and 3 months of Vinoralbine - stable for a little while!
  • Coughing and breathlessness started again September 2013, treated as radiation-induced fibrosis (which can be seen on scans - albeit stable). ie puffers, steroids
  • January 2014 - cough becomes bloody again, scans show big mediastinal tumour wrapped around and choking the life out of my right main bronchus, radiation deemed off limits as my lungs are hypersensitive to radiation (measured by existing damage from 2013) .....................- ie I am in the 5% of people likely to suffer severe radiation damage to the lungs that they warn you about before starting treatment! (so special! :) )
  • Started chemo Feb 2014 - continuing Herceptin (continuous since Aug 2011), with Carboplatin and Gemcitabine. Discontinued Gemcitabine because of se's. Starting cycle 5 Herc/Carbo 5 May 2014.
  • Meantime.....coughing and breathlessness increased to SCARY levels with racing heartbeat that won't slow down, breath that won't come back, even just walking to the bathroom or up 3 or 4 steps.
  • ICU from May 5 2014, collapsed right lung due to tumour, small pulmonary embolism (left), tumours growing in mediastinum left and right, dvt lower right leg
  • Plan seems to be bronchoscope next week to see if tumour can be lasered and stent inserted in right bronchus to reopen air access to lower parts of right lung. If that is successful might be able to have brachytherapy to worst tumour, otherwise no more options for external radiotherapy.
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