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Old 01-08-2008, 08:17 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Columbia,SC
Posts: 16


I had Taxotere prior to having FEC, and found it a "walk in the park" compared to the FEC. Day 3 after treatment seemed to be the worst--I discoverd this pattern after after co-workers pointed it out to me--this was typically the day I said "O.K. I'm not coming to work today. I think I'm going to sleep in." I was still able to take my children to/from school each day--and other than day 3, not so bad.
I will tell you that the mental/cognitive side effects were far greater than the physical side effects. My friends called Taxotere my "stupid" drug---difficulty counting, concentrating, etc. It got to be quite comical--my children leared to laugh at it as well.
Fear not is temporary---I'm now sharp as a tack!

So, best of luck to you. If you survived FEC, this is a piece of cake...and if you're not blonde already, enjoy being to be one temporarily.
Hope this helps!
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