Thread: Port Problems
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Old 12-14-2007, 06:26 PM   #22
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 146
Dear Debbie,

Finally had to have port removed and a new high tech one installed by radiation intervention specialist, works like a champ. My dr has never been in a bad mood, must be someone else. Yes t hey all but stood me on my head to try to get labs, nothing worked after awhile. Blood thinners that had to sit in system for a couple of days, then they would try again, nothing worked. I finally got frustrated and said let's get it out of there and put in a new one. Wasn't that simple, they removed old one, attempted to get a new one installed, could not, dr made incision on other side, same. He thought the cancer may have spread to my lungs. Had to go back to onc and let him make decision but cancer had not reappeared so far. Hope you continue to do well, and your port works for you. Let me know your progress and keep in touch. We're all in this same fight together.

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