Thread: Port Problems
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Old 12-13-2007, 06:37 AM   #15
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 12
I seen my onc Dec 4 and thought there would be a decision made about the port. The onc nurses thought that maybe he would contact the surgeon and then make a decision on what to be done. When I asked him he said everything was fine and that I could get my treatment that day. Which I never got because the onc nurses weren't comfortable with it with no blood return. Plus the flush was feeling really cold going in and that put some red flags up. They tried everything. They decide not to give me the treatment and then contact the dr, but he was on his way home (2 hrs drive for him) He told them to send me up to vaslucar dept for another scan of the port. This was done on my last treatment when I had problem with no blood return. They couldn't do the producer until the next day and then I got my treatment. I have 8 more to go.

Bev I asked him the difference between Muga and an echoes test. He said they were completely different. I asked him to explain the difference, but he didn't make things clear. He was in a bad mood that day and was very short with me. He wouldn't be the next time because I am not taking anymore. Bev can you explain the difference between the a muga and an echoe test.

I have an appointment next Tuesday with my surgeon for a 3 month check up and will ask her myself about this port problem.

Sheila I asked the cancer clinic about this power port, but they have not heard of it. I also going to ask the surgeon if she has any knowledge of this port.

Merry Christmas to you all,
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