Thread: Port Problems
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Old 12-08-2007, 09:14 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 32
hi Anne RM I have a port too and it was put in Dec 06, I have had numerous trips to the outpatient dept to have it checked. Althought there is no flow problem yet, I do have discomfort at times. I was told to just take advil for it, and it did help.
I KNOW what you mean about flying through the chemo and now having a problem with the herceptin. I did too. I thought the chemo would be bad and the herceptin is supposed to be nothing like the chemo, but I really have problems with side effects on herceptin. I have been on it since April w/taxol and then every week til June now I go ev ery 3 wks for the hercp. I have nose bleeds all the time, my nose is constantly running and my nails are so sore from breaking down below the nail bed. Aches and pains in joints and muscles and I am irritable,and have occassional insomina. I was supposed to be done with the hercp in dec but they tell me now i have to go until end of March. do you or anyone out there have these same side effects too.
Anyway Anne Let me know how you make out. It is a constant ordeal but then I think of what it would be if there were no herceptin.
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