Thread: Breast cancer
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Old 11-10-2007, 01:13 PM   #23
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I appreciate all the thoughtful replies from ALL of you, and am thankful there is room here for polite expression of our deepest concerns. For whatever reasons, I am more afraid of toxic treatments than of cancer. Like so many others, I do not know if doing toxic treatment was more helpful or more harmful -- but here I am. When I think of those like my friend, who went through the baldness and loss of sexuality and the difficulties of treatment only to pay the highest price of all, there is nothing to take away the ache.

Of course that doesn't mean that some others have not benefitted, only that until some of the many, many theories and studies about targeted therapies are actively applied, those who don't benefit will continue to be stripped of what comfort they could have kept to get them through their hard times. My friend asked me to speak in her behalf about that, and so I do. It is a subject that isn't often mentioned, as if one should be ashamed or embarrassed for speaking about that reality; yet those like my friend who read here daily continue to suffer through it in silence.

I agree with Lani, and I think my friend would have too -- that careful sharing of information (with genuine informed consent) about each of our cancers would be immensely valuable. Is there any way to accomplish such a thing as HER2s through this website?
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