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Old 10-29-2007, 06:41 PM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 12
Hi Maryanne,
Sorry, I couldn't get back right away. I received a message from you, but my computer would not let me open it. I don't go on the computer alot because I am on dial up and everything takes do long. Sometimes it takes me 15 minutes to get on line. Away I love to get in contact with Marisa.

RM in my name stands for right mastectomy. I figure there would be more that on Anne on this site. So, I have pain on my right from the mastectomy and on my left I have pain from my a port-a-cath. The port was insert in Feb 07 and has been uncomfortable ever since. As the days went on I had a hard time breathing. It wasn't fun when 45 minutes away from the hospital and you are alone. Anyway they found out in ER that I had a punture lung from the procedure with the port. That included a 4 day hospital stay.

On Oct 24 I had my 7 herceptin treatment, they weren't sure if they were going to give me the treatment because my pressure was down and I am having dizzy spells and headaches. So they are booking me in for a Muga which I wasn't due for one until Dec. and a CT of the head. They check my blood work and everything was fine, so I got my treatment. I have noticed after treatment my port hurts more than usually. I usually hurt from my port to the collar bone and up my neck to my ear. Have you heard of anyone with this problem. So, not only does my mastectomy hurt, the port also. Can't sleep on either side.

Ask Marisa when she touches the chest part of the mastectomy does she fell it under the arm. I find that very strange.

Hi Michka, I also have burning. The surgery that done my mastectomy pulled the chest really tight. It still feels like a tight rubber band around half my chest. It even feels tighter that a bra, but now I am not trying to pull it down. lol I spoke to my surgery a couple of weeks ago and I asked when I would get some relief. She said give it a year and it should be better. I still do my exerise......most days away.

No, I am not on any meds. I was for the pain in my legs, but I didn't have a clear head until noon. If you seen me out side the following morning you would think I was half in the bag. So, now I just put up with the pain. I was on warfrin for 6 months for the blood clot in my leg, but not since Aug. I am really having a hard time with my legs.......anyone want them.

Thanks for listening and I hope I didn't go on too long.

So glad to be a sister on this site. Thanks to AlaskaAngel who directed me to this site from bcans.

Many blessings,
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