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Old 10-22-2007, 02:18 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2005
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panicked with Her2 serum marker rise

I am on Navlebine and Herceptin since 2 months for recurrence to mediastinal(chest) lymphnodes and nodules in lung. The Her2 serum has been decreasing since then from 21.4 to 11.5 and 8.8 taken every three weeks. I had CT scan of chest a month ago, which showed everything disappeared but a 4mm nodule in lung(This is just after 3 weeks of N+H).
But the recent Her2serum shows it again increased to 11.5. I am really worried for a drastic reversal. Her2 serum was very accurate in finding out my recurrence. What should I do now? The original plan was after two more weeks of N+H do a PET and if everything is good discontinue chemo and just continue Herceptin. Please help me. What should I do? I am so worried.

Diagnosed in Sept 2004 while pregnant with the second child. Stage 3b, tumor 4.5cm, 4 auxillary and supraclav node positive. Her2+++ FISH 9.4 and er-,pr-.
Had dose dense neoadjuvant AC,Taxol then mastectomy,radiation+xeloda+Herceptin.
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