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Old 10-17-2007, 02:15 PM   #27
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Columbia, S.C.
Posts: 31
I plan on talking with Jenny tonight and asking some questions that I'd not thought of asking, thanks to you guys

After I've thought about this for a bit, emotionally? I am a very good friend, to a few precious people in my life. I find myself wondering "who would be there for ME if something like this were to happen".....the answer is probably no one. My husband and my daughter, but really no one. I find that the vast majority of the population are so self centered they can't see past their own daily lives to be bothered with the "uglies" of someone else's life.

I know I've divulged that I've had MANY health problems, none of them as serious as cancer mind you, but many issues, many botched surgeries and mis-diagnosis. Once when I had severe internal bleeding from a surgery, Jenny was the one here, holding my hand, knowing how scared I was. The rest of my friends, family, acquaintances just run the other way when they just don't know what to do or say anymore. Anyway, I'll be there for her and just hope that one day if needed, someone will be here for me.

Now that I think about it, I have calcifications that have been biopsied and marked so each time I go in for a mammogram, I get a bit uneasy. I have a lymph node under that same arm pit that gets sore and swells at times. I worry, ask questions, get my mammograms, knowing that I have bc history in my family. I hope it doesn't happen to me, but it could. So, yeah, I'm a good friend but I'm not so sure it's all for selfless reasons. I get scared too.

I'll say it again, you ladies are amazing and so very inspirational. I really feel privileged to be allowed to peek into your private world. I pray for and think of you all, even if I don't post about it.
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