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Old 10-12-2007, 02:19 AM   #167
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Hi AndiBB,

Thank you for your kind words.

Re Fish size and pollution.

This is one for Fauxgypsy maybe?

My impression from general reading is that general feeling is that pollutant levels increase as one goes up the food chain, and like you understand that bigger longer living fish are more polluted in general terms.

But I am sure there are other factors too such as where the fish lived, and their feeding habits.

I have looked but have not yet found do not recall reading any papers (as against general articles) that answer this question, but feel sure they must exist. More reading required.

It all has to be taken in context of general background pollution through multiple sources including cleaning products, lotions and potions, chemicals on furnishings and unused clothes, incineration etc.

I have read on several occasions (and it is counter intuitive) that absorption through the skin of hormones toxins etc is much higher than through digestion. Digestion provides filtering and chemical treatment processes which reduce toxins, hormones ingested etc. So we are probably doing pretty well on our own without any help from the fish who never asked to be polluted in the first place.

It must be kept in perspective. There are very valid issues on consumption and pollution of fish, and careful informed choices have to be made. It was not the fish who put the pollutants there. Fish (unfortunately for them) provide a food source with real dietary benefit that is not really found elsewhere. (It is arguably time we gave greater emphasis to algal culture technology).

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