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Old 09-01-2007, 10:46 AM   #51
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Posts: 3

On my periodic visit to onc in April, I griped about some pain in my shoulder; immediate pet/ct. This showed a very suspicious black hole in the area, and open biopsy confirmed the met. My husband and I had been having some issues, and this whole round of tests just put him over the edge. On June 8, he took himself out with a .44 magnum revolver, so I've had to deal with a lot by myself.

Yes, I get Zometa (the osteoperosis drug) infusions once a month to strengthen the bones and help keep more rogue tumor cells from settling in. I have a hole in my shoulder blade that we hope will also fill in eventually. The Tkerb makes me tired and nauseaus, and I have a white rash over my face and on my back where I had radiation. Very unsightly, and I don't know how long it will last. Half the doc's job is to not freak you out, and they've all been stepping very lightly around me for a few months now. I know I'm suffering from "recently-widowed-with-incurable-cancer-and-about-to-be-40" brain. Short term memory is shot. (Pun!) So I make a lot of notes and take a lot of photos to keep myself up to date on my own life.

My family and friends have been AMAZING. They take so much better care of me than I ever did. There is someone assigned to every day of the week; my stepmother cleans for me on Mondays, my aunts cook for me Tuesedays and Thursdays, my brother mows the lawn Saturdays, and my girlfriend is assigned to getting me drunk every Friday!

Most people want to help, but don't know what to do, and you don't know what to ask from them. Just have the bossiest person in your family make a weekly schedule and hand it out! What's the worst that could happen? I feel like I've already seen it.
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