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Old 08-28-2007, 01:39 AM   #23
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Location: St. George, UT
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Is it too late to see this program? I really loved all the comments it engendered here, especially the ones by Andi! It is amazing how much she and I think alike. I do have to add a comment about scars: I not only have the scars from BC surgery, but a lovely zipper right down the middle from neck to navel, from open heart surgery, plus long lumpy scars down my left inner thigh and leg where they pulled the veins to turn into arteries for my triple bypass. It happens, though , that my wonderful husband has a zipper, too, and scars on his left leg to match mine, as he had a quadruple bypass 2 months after mine, all last year. How's that for togehterness? Speaking of TV shows, has anyone seen "A Side Order of Life", I think on LIFETIME channel? It has a young woman (the main character's best friend) who has just been diagnosed with Cancer, I'm not sure what kind. It gets pretty racy---like her onc just prescribed a dildo??!!) But sometimes it is quite poignant too, like the girl's comment after her first chemo that she used to think humans were at the top of the food chain, but now she thinks cancer is. I don't agree and don't think any of you warriors would either, but it is interesting. The scene where she loses a handful of her long hair in the shower is poignant too. I am not recommending the show especially but found it interesting and wonder how many times they will hit the mark and how many times they will be way off. Hugs to you all! Tricia
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