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Old 08-12-2007, 10:53 PM   #5
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and I forgot to list PET/CT scan!

I don't think it is just a problem of being well-informed.

The papers I discussed are just papers. What they discuss (using serum her2ECD testing to ensure her2- is indeed her2-, following CTCs to evaluate efficacy of a line of treatment) have not yet gone throughthe of randomized clinical trials with large numbers of patients needed to become the "accepted" treatment that everyone/ or a subset of everyone gets.

In the end, they may not pan out.

But when no treatment is "the best" for everyone, not everyone is a round peg (trying to fit into a round hole)as you well know with your unusual history, and your oncologist(s) admit they don't know which direction to go with you, how can it hurt to seek out the best information you can and ask all the questions you can.
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