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Old 08-09-2007, 07:57 PM   #4
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by "hip" do you mean in the middle of the groin, on the side of where

your leg joins your trunk on top of the bony part which hurts if you lie on your side on too hard a surface (assuming your are not overly "upholstered"), or on your "sitting bone" All three areas have bursae.

Prayer is great, but......... if I recall, your husband is an MD(don't recall if you ever mentioned his specialty, but somehow I thought he was a cardiologist...maybe because you were a cardiac ICU nurse):

has your husband considered your trying 1) anti-inflammatories 2) ultrasound (usually not THAT effective as the bursae tend to be rather deep) 3) an injection if this persists despite 1) and/or 2)

You didn't say how long you have had it.

There are certain predisposing factors to bursitis in the second location I discussed above including a tight iliotibial band (something a physical therapist can show you how to stretch) and if it is in the first or third location there are factors of where your bicycle seat is placed and at what height as well as your technique of peddling that an analytic-type ie thoughtful physical therapist might be able to help you with so you avoid this again in the future.

If your tumor was ER+ and you are on AIs, they tend to make ligaments and tendons tighter ie, why older ladies can no longer "do the splits" so you may just have exceeded your tendon/ligament capacities. Nearby bursae react by filling up with fluid to try to protect the inflamed tendons from the underlying bones/ This stretches the lining cells of the bursae, which are exquisitely tender (something you already know) and they send messages to the brain which releases additional prostaglandins which serve to cause even more fluid to accumulate within the bursa which stretches the lining even more and so on in a vicious self-perpetuating cycle

Antiinflammatories decrease the synthesis of the prostaglandins and so help break the cycle.

I am not an oncologist or rheumatologist (nor a physical therapist) and am not trying to give advice. It just seemed that since your husband IS a doctor, you might want to run some of this by him.

Perhaps your loss of faith in Drs due to the story (your story) you posted has something to do with your request for prayers. Just letting you know we are all including you in our prayers, but there may be some other means to help...
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