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Old 07-25-2007, 11:34 AM   #14
Posts: n/a

With respect to follow-up, I'll list my treatments, which aren't too different I think from the standard.

(1) Visit surgeon for after care, swelling, etc.
(2) Get pathology report.
(3) Depending on report, possibly chemotherapy, possibly even radiation with mast. Definite with lumpectomy. If chemo is needed, it comes before radiation.
(4) During chemo, see oncologist at beginning every 3 weeks; after six months, every six weeks.
(5) Tumor markers, if doctor takes them, every three months or so.
(6) Mammogram after six months.
(7) Mammogram again after one year.
(8) Scans: CT, MRI, PET, depending on any symptoms you may have or any findings that show up during surgery or through markers. Also, depends on insurance coverage.
(9) One year out, if treatment has gone well, see oncologist every four months for two years. Probably order tumor markers, may order scans.
(10) Regular breast mammograms or MRI.

And not least, NED!

You've had a tough road--I'm glad the panic is gone. You'll make the right decision for you.
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