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Old 07-24-2007, 04:55 PM   #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Please excuse this post if you have "done" diet, but I would rather your ire than you not have the opportunity to add this to your knowledge.

If you brain is not too numb this thread gives a sense of the importance of diet.

There is a lot of evidence that fat intake (type) plays a large part in the risk profile for breast cancer (and other conditions).

Women with high long chain omega threes in breast tissue had about a 70% lower risk than those with low DHA and EPA.

Babies demand DHA from the mother to make their brains etc. IF the mother has insufficient supplies they will even hoover it from the mothers brain. Womens brains can shrink in pregnancy. It gets a little worse with each pregnancy if Omega threes DHA etc is not replaced.

Balancing the omega threes and sixes is arguably a good target.

Fish oil is a good source of DHA and long chain omega threes. Watch cod liver as it is also high in A and D. A trial suggested women's uptake drops off at about 2 grams a day.

There are lots of posts on omega threes and sixes you can search by clicking on search above. (it took me a while to find it and hence the tip).

The mother omega threes can be found in flax oil or seed (oil or seed is another topic of debate)

Fats are powerful so please ensure you discuss supplementation with your medical advisor. Fish oil can cause blood thinning.

You can use this to search for DHA EPA etc with your treatment regime print out the result and take it along for consultations etc.

Please come back if you need more resources, or scream done that.

I so admire your courage.

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