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Old 07-03-2007, 04:55 PM   #12
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 65
Dear Debski and Susan M, and anyone interested,
I was on Herceptin for a year starting spring of '06 when I started Taxotere and carboplatin. I was already on Effexor XR for depression and the added benefit that it came very close to eliminating the volcanic hot flashes I had from AC before divesting myself of ovaries, uterus and a breast. Effexor has worked very well for me for depression that was developing before my cancer dx in 10/03. However, only your doctor can determine if it's right for you, especially if you have high blood pressure. I should disclose that I'm a psychiatrist, so I can make general comments on antidepressants, etc. but could never suggest that a certain drug would be the one just for you... but don't hesitate to talk to your doctor about depression. (by the way, primary care docs prescribe more antidepressants in this country than psychiatrists!) I think of depression as being the brain's way of being under heavy battle conditions - it forgets the good life and seems to be focused on dealing with the next attack of bad news that comes along. Antidepressants can help it "step back" and take a deep breath, so to speak. Exercise and talking it out have also proven to be of immense benefit, and the oldest form of psychiatry I know of is what I call "Kitchen Table Psychiatry": sitting down at the kitchen table (or taking a walk) with somebody you trust and just pouring your feelings out or letting off steam. That person may not have any solutions, but you know somebody who cares has listened when you needed it the most. Exercise is great too, think of it as giving your brain a little extra dose of oxygen and feeding it a treat since the only way the brain breathes and receives nourishment is through its blood supply. Studies have shown that neither antidepressants or talk therapy alone are as good as the two together. And newer studies are showing that exercise is very important, too. When I'm really wiped out by treatments, I still walk. I just take it very slowly with a friend and try not to go too far so I can make it back home without thumbing a ride! Hope your feeling better soon. Even with an antidepressant, cancer can still send me into the blues, especially when I find about yet another recurrence. Being an optimistic pessimist, I give mysel 2-3 days to wallow in pessimism and self pity, then focus on how to make my life as pleasant and joyful as possible. Maybe some of this ranting will help. Above all, know we all care.
Fondly, Rentrac
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