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Old 06-05-2007, 10:31 PM   #12
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5
Hi Lala and Jean:

Lala: I was looking at the interium 23 month study which gave the ACTH arm 51 % reduction in risk and the TCH 39% reduction in risk of recurrence. That is a 12% difference. But now the 36 month results are out and you are right, it is 91 and 92% still alive. (Does still alive mean no recurrence, I wonder?)
Jean: I was thinking the same thing about the kidney tumor, since it is slow growing and not much of a threat, let's get all the breast treatment out of the way, then go after the kidney. But my husband and I sat down with the oncologist, and also talked with the urologist, and neither of those guys think it would be prudent to wait six months to get the kidney tumor out. Then I got bronchitis and couldn't keep my surgery date with the urologist for today.
I also failed to mention that we have a big family vacation plannned and paid for (No refunds) the last week of June, with all four daughters and husbands and two grandbabies who will attend. So the urologist is willing to wait to remove the tumor. My breast surgeon was against my having a chemo treatment and then my going out of town, and I didn't especially want to go on the vacation under the effects of the first chemo treatment. So everyone is holding off until the first week of July when I return to Houston. The way it stands now, I will get the kidney tumor removed, wait two or three weeks, and then "hit me with the chemo." Then radiation after the TCH, if I choose that regimen. I want the chemo that is going allow me into old age.
As for the TOPO II test, from what I read in the 1/27/06 article in AACI news, which is a year old, about Herceptin, etc...."TOPO II is more likely to respond to Adriamycin" so I conclude, if you've got TOPO II you'd be better off taking Adriamycin.
Also, something else I would like to know: There are about four different types of Her2 amplifications that they know about so far. Wouldn't it be better to find out which one you have, and how it responds to the different chemo regimens? But I guess there's no test like that for sale yet.
Signing off for now, I haven't quite got my quote thought up yet,
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