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Old 06-05-2007, 12:09 AM   #13
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Marshmellow side effect TYkerb/Xeloda

Hi Joy,

Are you feeling better? It's so easy to get discouraged. I fight feeling overwhelmed almost everyday - but I think it just goes with the territory.

So much is required of us to survive, and thrive - it's more than one can bear at times. I am divorced after 20 years of marriage - he has no contact with me or my kids so that is another hardship as well. Life is really diffficult and not the smooth road I imagined as a younger woman. But it's also filled with wonder and miracles, and opportunity and fun so there you have it!

Your message is a few days old so I am hoping that you are feeling better. The symptoms will lesson as time passes. My side effects were tough the first few weeks but easier now. I am on a special diet and supplement regime and maybe that's part of why my tummy settled down. I don't eat dairy or gluetin and am not supposed to eat sugar but I eat marshmellows and don't care.

If food gave you cancer, the whole fat world would be dead. That's what I tell myself when I eat marshmellows. Just for the record, I never ate them before starting Tykerb and xeloda.

Hope you have an easy day tomorrow. Wish I had a quote with which to end..."I eat marshmellows"~Flori
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