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Old 05-07-2007, 04:47 PM   #1
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Question Lots of Questions!!!

Hi, there! I have been reading the board daily, and am so thankful that this is here! I have "spoken" with harrie a few times, and she has been so helpful! I apologize for the length, I have run a pregnancy loss website since 1999, so I know...

A bit of background on me: I am 34 (35 in two weeks), am married, and have one son (age 7). I found my lump on 3/22 during a BSE, and had an u/s on 3/23 and 3/26, with a core biopsy also done on 3/26. I was DX with IDC on 3/29 (Grade 2). I had my lumpectomy and SNB (4 removed) on 4/6. There was no node involvement. The path came back at 1 x 1 x 1.4 cm., clear margins, HER2+ (7.4) on FISH, ER/PR + (both 90%). I have met with two oncologists, and had a telephone consult with another, and got a clean CT last week. My blood work came back good (13.8 on CA 27/29), but after checking around, I am not sure how much credence I can give the blood tests!

The first oncologist (here in town) suggested AC-TH (6 cycles, 3 weeks apart), radiation and tamoxifen. I really struggled with the A and it's cardiotoxicity risks, and was set against doing chemo. I really liked the doctor, but he basically looked at my path, swivled around to his desk and plugged my stats into adjuvant online (which I had already played with EXTENSIVELY). I did some researching and found the TCH protocol. This site was a great tool for that protocol.

I made a list to send to the second oncologist (telephone consult), with some concerns past the cardiotoxicity. He said "chemo" but not that it had to be AC-TH. He thought that the TCH protocol was acceptable.

When I went to meet the third oncologist (who was recommended by two acquaintances who had used the practice, and also here in town), I went in with a defensive attitude already in place about the TCH protocol. I mentioned it, and he said "Okay. I knew that someone would come in one day wanting to do TCH for early stage breast cancer, so I have been waiting for you." I was a little speechless.

Now, I am confused on what to do. I saw the first oncologist on Friday (1, because I am too chicken to tell him I am going with someone else--he's really sweet, and 2, I had to get the CT results), he said that he would let me do TCH (if I wanted), but he felt that AC-TH was the way to go. What do I do?!? I want to make the right choice. I guess we all do, eh?

Also, I have concerns about chemo in general. I own a children's boutique (it is not possible for me to miss work for 4 1/2 months, but I don't have to be there every day), my son's emotional well-being during, and my future fertility. See, I have three embryos in storage. We did IVF to have our son (I have had two ectopic pregnancies, one in 1999 and one in April 2006). I do not want to destroy them, and I would not feel comfortable donating them (my first loss was awful, and I want to be able to use them!!!), and surrogacy is expensive! Has anyone here had a child after treatment?

I have been trying to compile a list of what you all suggest for chemo side effects. Mouth: Biotene mouthwash, Biotene toothpaste, prescription flouride toothpase, soft toothbrush; Eyes: prescription drops (what kind?), Hair: I am having an early birthday party on May 19, shaving included and got my wigs this weekend. My major concern is the RBC/WBC issue. Is there any solid nutritional things I can do to combat that? I am really, really, really worried about passing out. I had panic attacks for two years, and don't want to start that again! Funny--they just stopped in early March. I think they stemmed from an employee (she was 18) who was anorexic and died suddenly in late 2004. God, I sound like a total mess!!!

Okay, that is enough for now. In case you can't tell, I am a talker and a Type A!

Take care,
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