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Old 05-01-2007, 11:57 AM   #4
Vi Schorpp
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Angel Babies

Oh Shelia you are truly blessed. After reading your post I was filled with awe at the fortitude and courage shown by your daughter, and by you. Your grandchildren are truly angel babies, and Jasmine is a miracle. My nephew was diagnosed 25 years ago with leukemia (ALL) along with 12 other children. Of the 12, he is the only survivor. He was given a random treatment -- as were others in this group -- and we weren't as positive as we should have been. Balanced with this gratitude that he survived is the sadness that all the others didn't. I know miracles when I see them! I just know that God put Jasmine in your daughter's arms because he knew she would have you to guide her both as a mother, and as a nurse. You are so blessed, and what a wonderful story.
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