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Old 04-22-2007, 11:37 AM   #5
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Your might like to read and ponder the Greek Diet thread and the omega three and six material posted etc as an adjunct to treatment. (click on search and enter say omega three etc.)

Fats were around in the earliest amoeba. Omega three and six sit at the top of a huge complex and seriously influential series of pathways that inter links with much of what happens in the body in one way or other.

Your cell walls are made of fats. Your brain is more than 60% fats.....

You might like to read The China Study - T Colin Campbell - it is thought provoking. It is a well written and thought provoking book. Whether the animal protein intake he raises is also linked to fat metabolism issues I am uncertain.

This is a thought provoking link.

Sugar, alcohol, mineral deficiencies, a high fat intake, and some drugs stop the body making long chain omega threes from the mother fat. Herceptin as one of its legs works in that area - does it stop long chain fats being made I don't know.

All of which are good reasons for considering fish oil (or a vegetarian equivalent if that is an issue) (A trial showed take up in women dropped off at about 2 grams of DHA a day)

There are no absolute answers as the research simply has not been done but for me there are a lot of pointers to the benefit of moderate to low fat consumption and most important balancing the omega threes and sixes, a wide diet base, lots of green and coloured things etc.. and if nothing else it should improve coronary health (which has been accepted in medical circles).

Please ensure you discuss dietary changes with your Doctor.
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