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Old 04-11-2007, 09:00 PM   #6
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 87
Thanks so much ladies for your wisdom!
I've discovered "TUMMY TIME" - lying on my belly & chest to keep the capsule stretched out. It feels very odd & uncomfortable, b/c I can't rest my head on the floor because my L breast is in the way, but it's getting better every day.And the L & R are looking & feeling more & more similar.
Thanks again for everything, ladies!

Sorry so long to reply to your question about reconstruction & implants! Hope I'm not too late to be helpful!
I have Mentor cohesive, silicone gel implants. On the L side, I had a skin sparing mastectomy, so the implant is placed "dual plane" -the top half of the implant is under the muscle, the bottom is over the muscle. The R side was just a simple augmentation & the implant is completely over the muscle. The L side is a 400cc implant & the R side is 250cc. Like I said, I CAN'T believe how real the right side feels.
The L, reconstructed side, is still sitting a little high & tight, but I'm still only 7 weeks post-op, so there's still progress ("dropping") to anticipate.I was trying to be really diligent about "massaging" etc, b/c I want to avoid a capsular contracture as much as possible! But I've found "TUMMY TIME" (lying on my belly w/direct pressure on my chest) has been really helpful keeping the capsule stretched out.It felt really weird at first & I can't quite rest my head/face on the floor b/c my L breast is "in the way", but I'm getting closer!
I've always been very active as a dancer & now a Pilates instructor & was athletic & small breasted. That was my greatest concern w/the recontsruction - I didn't want to feel "exposed" wearing work-out tops, etc. (I think that's so ironic that women CHOOSE elective breast augmentations so that they can expose themselves..!)
I do still feel like the new breasts are a little too big, but they don't look too big. Actually, it's only when I wear pilates/yoga tops do I feel a little "too boob-y", otherwise they really are proportionately the right size for my body & I look very balanced. But I guess I'm just still used to being small breasted.
Ultimately, I very happy with the outcome. I have a great, compassionate surgeon-he's a brilliant general surgeon/surgical onc/plastic surgeon all wraped up in one -so he's done all of the work himself & really understands what I want & why.
I hope you have as good a relationship w/your doc as I do with mine. My sister & my girlfriends are all very impressed & envious of the new "TWINS" & I gotta say, it's not awful having full, lovely breasts - even though I am short one nipple!
Please let me know if there's any additional information or insight I can offer.
Take good care &
Keep the Faith!

ps-the silicone implants feel a MILLION TIMES more natural than the saline expander!
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