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Old 03-16-2007, 06:58 AM   #1
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Unhappy It's back...scared!

After 2 years of NED (which I'm very thankful for), they found a recurrence in the original spot in Caryn's liver. Didn't show up on the PET but the MRI found it. Onc said it's small, about half an inch, but due to the rising tumor marker he wants to treat now rather than wait. She's so anxious and besides my own major fear, my heart breaks for her and my kids (when they find out).

I guess some things I wonder about is...does this mean that herceptin is no longer an option for her? Although we got very lucky that she reacted well to the herceptin and gemzar 2 years ago, how do I know that she'll react as well to something else?

We have a meeting with the onc on Wednesday to discuss treatment plan and I've also emailed UWA since she participated in the vaccine trial there. Hopefully they can offer us additional options. Dr Webster, who's no longer there, had once mentioned that they can do something should a recurrance take place.

I know there's alot of good out there but I wish I knew what I could do to help accelerate the road to the cure.

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