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Old 01-04-2007, 09:14 PM   #5
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 105
Hi Sue and Kevin,

I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, being new to this myself, but I was hoping something I may write could make it a little more bearable for you guys. I've had 3 AC tx's so far and, although I know everyone reacts differently, the first 3 to 4 days seems to be the worst as far as nausea and loss of energy. The Nexcura site was right when they recommended Zofran 8 mg before the first treatment, then another later in the day, then 2 doses daily for the following 2 days. I had hardly any nausea with my 2nd and 3rd treatments. I've found that taking something mild, like a phenergan 12.5 mg or whatever your doc may recommend, in the mornings for a few days after the initial 3 days seems to keep the mild nausea I have throughout the day at bay. It's very disheartening to go from taking nothing but a multivitamin daily to carrying bottles of medication with you all the time, but It's not forever

The thoughts of any food are purely horrific, especially if your digestion comes to a screeching halt like mine has, so I thank Swanson and Bill Cosby for chicken broth and Jell-O! The Jell-O feels awesome when I develop a sore mouth and throat (about the 5th day for me) and the broth is filling and easily digestible. Just a couple of suggestions to maintain some type of intake. Before you know it, you'll be craving salads and crisp, cold fruits.

I, like you, lead an active lifestyle and am healthy, so the hardest thing for me was to know my limitations and allow myself the time I need to recover somewhat before the next treatment. I know how hard it is to be so unlike yourself. That is the hardest part of chemo, so weak and out of control and dependent it leaves you feeling. Some days, I feel the only thing in my favor is being strong-minded, stubborn, and having an extremely supportive group of family and friends. I think you are gifted with that, as well. I recovered much more quickly with this 3rd tx because i did eat, exercise, and rested instead of forcing myself to be the pre-chemo me. So, exercise, nap, eat, and definitely, lean on those who love you when you need to. I think they need to help you as much as you may need them to help.

Thinking of you both,
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