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Old 12-23-2006, 06:50 PM   #4
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 115
i too, just went for my mammo and had the same result - had consult with surgeon immediately set up the appt back to back - and I was very glad that i did. Surgeon called the rasdiologist who said it was scar tissue. That was the reason for the " probably benign come back in six months." Surgeon said ni reaso to go back in six months since MRI is already scheduled.

her take is that for anyone with dense breasts mamo are virtually useless even with the new digital technology - sonos won't pick up the very small tumors and the only reason to do mamos is for the calicificatios which MRIs do not pick up.
memorial LSoan Kettering i New york is not even doing routine sonos anymore. mamo/MRi only for routine screeigs post and pre operative.
My surgeon did give me a sonogram script that i can have done elsewhere ( if it will make me feel better). Not sue i am going to do it .

Unfortunately for thos eof us who have had lumpectomies - scar tissue is a fact of life and thus the "probably benign" will become a fact of life. I hope this makes you feel better.

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