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Old 12-02-2006, 03:59 AM   #5
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I posted a reply to this last night but must have been in scatty mode and forgotten to click post. (or maybe not I have just seen the new length restriction)

Linoleic acid is a "fat" the mother of the omega six n6 series fats. The mother omega six fat linoleic. It cannot be made in the body and has to be ingested as food.

Linolenic (note the different endings) is the mother fat of the omega three n3 series. Similarly the body cannot make the mother fat and it has to be got from food.

Most other fats the body can make. It can also make longer children of omega three and six IF it has the mother fat AND IF the pathways are not blocked by trans fats, mineral deficiency, too much sugar, some drugs .....

If you cannot the long chain children or are not doing so efficiently the only way is to supplement through diet oily fish, vegetarian supplements etc.... (s subject on its own)

Lignans are a totally separate family of plant products. This link expains that.

I make no comment on the supplement detail which follow, the use of extracted lignans has to be one for you.

PART TWO follows....
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