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Old 11-30-2006, 08:42 AM   #5
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 306
Dearest Carol,

I have been living with brain mets for over four years. Was first dx'd with bc nearly 7 yrs ago. Also Stage IIIb.

In Sept. '02 Mri showed two brain mets. Six months later another 14. Eighteen months ago, 8 more.

I have been lucky enough to deal with these without whole brain radiation. Five focalized treatments were done over the course of a year and a half to treat 16 lesions. I had three SRS- similar to Gamma Knife. Two CyberKnife treatments.

My current 8 brain mets have been 'managed' with the chemo combo of Xeloda/Temodar now for 15mos. Will find out today what the latest Mri looks like...

Just wanted you to know: you are not alone. Brain mets does NOT mean an immediate death sentence. If fact, other progressing mets are the usual cause of death even when one does have brain mets. This is what I have learned in these past four+ years.

I truly hope this gives you some Hope, too.
Warmest wishes,
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