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Old 11-27-2006, 07:55 AM   #15
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 8
mkrny: she had already gone through WBR on May.
Our radiology doc carefully checked her images from the past few months (CTs, MRI), and concluded that since the lesions are growing fast, it's useless to try stereotactic radiation- since while concetrating radiation on individual tumors, others would rapidly grow, and eventually she'll get the same amount of radiation as if she would in the case of repetitive WBR- so he suggests only second WBR.
I fear from additional WBR, as it may severly affect her- so as long as she can bear the pain with steroids, we'll postpone the second WBR.

Please, do forward the contact of Dr Demopoulos.
Mom is BC Stage IV, Her2/Neu 3+++, Er+/Pr+,
Age 61, DX 5/2000, Adriamicin+CMF 1 year, Femara 5 years
12/2004: Mets to liver, Herceptin+Xeloda
5/2006: Progression to bones, brain - Navelbine, WBR, then Gemzar
11/2006: CT shows 8 big brain mets.
Trying to get on Lapatinib. Considering IT Herceptin...
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